Donation Goal For This Project is €120,000
0% Donated/€120,000 To Go
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Imagine you couldn’t read anything on this page, lmagine walking down the street, not being able to add up wages. (Where would you be today) right now millions of children are missing out on the right to an education. They can’t go to school because they have to work to survive, because they are girls or even because there are no schools where they live. Where will these children be when they grow up without the chance to learn. We are working to make sure every child goes to school.

Education they say is the best legacy you can give to any child, because it determines greatly what the next generation would be.we believe by doing this, it will not only make these children useful to their societies but also better persons to the world at large.

Our heart goes out to the number of countless children in the streets without any privilege to go to school, our drive is to help them by providing for them an opportunity to get education and to also provide a suitable learning environments and learning tools for them to Have good and quality education

You can help uphold every child’s right to an education. Make a donation today to not only give children the chance to go to school, but also save their lives.